Friday, 7 March 2014

Visit 4 - Stairs & Jerseys

To start with I'll clear something up. 
I heard a rumour from 2 people in the past week that the bowl had been completed. I can confirm that the transitions have indeed been completed but, the flat bottom is not yet pored and I expect that this will be one of the final sections in the park to be completed.
I entered to find that the platforms around the bowl are near complete and the large section of 'crete between the bowl and steps has been pored. Also the two Jersey barriers are up and the steps, handrail, banks and Wembley gap (Euro gap to the kids!) are looking good but still under construction.

At this point I will reiterate the comment made on the Bury St. Edmunds Skatepark Experience Facebook page: 

Please do not attempt to enter the site. 
It is a construction site and therefore a dangerous place for anyone not wearing the appropriate protective equipment or is unfamiliar with the site. Also, it would be a great shame if our new park were spoilt in any way, at this stage, after so much work. There will be large sections of concrete that may looks solid, but are in fact still very soft and not yet set.  

As some of the 'crete was obviously wet, I stayed off and made my way around the perimeter of the built up section on the mud and grass. 

The hand rail looks a good height, not too high, but nice and long and the blocks at this end appear to be a good range of sizes. Good for learning those hammers you want to throw on the streets.

As I walked round between the bowl and pump track, I was struck by how deep the deep end actually is. This thing is going to be so much fun! 

A start has been made on shaping the rest of the park but it's only in it's infancy at this stage. 
In short: It'a all looking good! 

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